Monday, 20 April 2015

Upcoming workshops

Hello people!!

I have been quite busy over the past few months preparing several things, the most interesting for you I feel will be...:

Tiny People Studios' Workshop calendar!

Thanks to our partner store "Vent Divin" and our product partner "Prince August" we are happy to be able to offer free and/or heavily sponsored workshops every month until at least december 2015!!

Each session will have a theme, and every other month the course will be a two day workshop with a small competition at the end.

The one day events are TOTALLY FREE! And the two day events will only require a token participation fee to cover the prizes and models provided by "Vent Divin"!

Our calendar will include classic themes such as NMM&TMP, OSL, textures etc... as well as a few subjects that aren't so often dealt with in depth such as scultpure for conversion purposes, banners, freehands and complex design painting and and and sooooooooo much more!

So: "like" our facebook page here to stay in the loop for the upcoming workshops!

We look forward to meeting each and every one of you!